Unlock Next-Gen Building Knowledge with Ombrello

Our Monitoring Solutions Are Designed to Unlock Building Data and Protect Your Assets


Experience peace of mind with an Ombrello monitoring solution. Whether managing a condominium, a rental property, a commercial facility, or new project, Ombrello equips you with a robust monitoring solution. Ombrello detects anomalies early, so action can be taken before they escalate into costly damages or displace occupants, ensuring the integrity and value of your asset are well-protected.

Water Leak Detection – Protection And Monitoring

Harness the potential of proactive monitoring.

  • Mitigate damages and associated costs.
  • Combat rising insurance premiums.
  • Improve building safety and convenience.

Construction Site Monitoring

  • Provides real-time awareness of what’s happening on your project site 24/7.
  • Helps avoid unscheduled project shut-downs and associated costs.
  • Improves life safety and safeguards assets from potential damage.

Space and Environmental Monitoring Solutions

  • Temperature and Environment Control: The Aware Temperature and Environmental Solution allows you to determine the atmosphere of a particular location in your building to help avoid damage to your moisture and temperature sensitive assets.
  • Fitness Centre Monitoring: The Aware Fitness Centre System reports real-time equipment availability information to both residents and management. Management will love the insight and occupants will love the convenience.
  • Mailbox Monitoring: The Aware mailbox sensor is designed to provide real-time awareness of when the mail has arrived triggering a notification to recipients.

Request Details

Our team will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your needs.

How it works

Aware Sensors are placed at or near the source of common leaks, on or near equipment or in spaces you want to monitor. The sensors connect to gateways (using LoRaWan protocol) strategically placed throughout the building to ensure constant connectivity and sensor data flow. Sensors report leak, humidity and temperature data to cloud servers when anomaly conditions are detected automatically triggering notifications to designated recipients. Leak sensors can be used in combination with automated or semi-automated shut-offs. The Aware system is designed to rollover to cellular should you lose internet ensuring continuous connectivity.

Discover The Future Of Building Monitoring

We are here to guide you every step of the way.
We’ll work together to help protect your asset(s) and unlock data so your building is smart, safe and running efficiently.